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Sophomore Year Projects

Nine-Square Grid | Fall 2017

This project involved conceptualizing a built structure consisting of a nine-square grid. The first part of the project was to construct a grid with random shapes and panels. The concept was based on the rotation of a windmill and how it causes shadows from its rotation. This allowed for a better understanding of how solar orientation affects the interior of a building. Using these shapes and panels, a single occupant house was designed with the use of a floor plan and elevations.

Oakwood Bistro | Fall 2017

This was a small project requiring the reupholstering of the booths in a local bistro, along with the specification of a wall covering, and bar stools. This taught skills of specifying materials and understanding their uses. Each hand-rendered image and material was mounted to display the final design.

Semester Project 1 | Fall 2017

This project required a mixture of a franchise and a selected style of architecture. The chosen franchise was Five guys and it was made to mimic the Byzantine style. Through this project, I was able to learn how to better communicate my design ideas and how to strategically create something from the past that would still work functionally in the present. 

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